This review was made possible by iConnect Influencer Management, Luvs. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.
When the first child arrives, of course you want the very best of everything – the finest nursery, the latest stroller, the best clothes, the best toys, the best activity mat.
You make homemade food in the special baby food processor and even the first birthday party is a big production.
When the first child arrives, things can get expensive really fast. Nothing wrong with that, but, things change.
When you’re a second time parent, you don’t trust something just because it costs more, you trust that it works. You relax and realize that a lot of parenting is intuitive and you aren’t going to screw things up!
Luvs is the official diaper of experienced parents and is now an even greater value with new lower prices!
And guess what #MoreToLuv(s) = more money in the bank for parents. So yeah, go ahead and get that massage or dress you really want.
Luvs, with NightLock Plus locks away wetness with quality leak protection at new lower prices so head out to your local retailers and check them out!
What’s not to Luv about that?
About The Luvs Mom:
She is confident. She trusts her instincts and doesn’t sway in the face of external pressures to be a perfect mom. She makes no apologies.
She’s the wing mom, savvy and unfiltered.
She has a great sense of humor and isn’t afraid to laugh at herself. She knows she’ll make mistakes and is now more apt to laugh than cry.
She’s always honest and authentic. She’s not ashamed to admit that sometimes it’s not always pretty, but she’s figured out what works for her and her baby – and she’s not afraid to admit it.
She exists in a no judgement zone. With time and experience, she’s figured out that there’s no such thing as perfect parenting. Loving her kids and getting by in a way that works for her is all that matters.
And remember…
9 times out of 10 kids get their awesomeness from their mother.
So Relax! Live, Learn and Get Luvs, at even lower prices.
I use to use Luvs for my child. They are a good diaper with great leakage protection. That nightlock plus must be such a blessing for so many moms and dads and keeping baby dry through the night.
I agree that things are SO different with a second child (or more). I have done things very different with each kid. 🙂 I can also say that the Nightlock is amazing and has gotten us through many nights! We love Luvs!
I was very happy to read this wonderful news! If other companies that sell baby items would follow suit, then all parents would be able to save money providing for their babies. This is a win-win, for both parents and Luvs!
When our kids were little, we used Luvs diapers. We actually were given packs of their diapers as gifts when our kids were born, and kept using them because we liked the quality. It’s nice to see Luvs lowering their prices. It’s a great gesture in paying it forward.
Nothing beats a great deal on diapers. It’s not something parents love to spend money on!
I love what you wrote about the Luvs mom!!! We all need to be able to laugh at ourselves now and then!
“9 out of 10 kids get their awesomeness from their mom”… I’ve been telling my husband this for years. *smile* Seriously though we had 3 in diapers at the same time and used LUVS diapers with our babies. Thanks for the savings info.
Your words about the Luvs mom is so spot on! Absolutely love it and what a deal Luvs have. This will really help parents every where.
Diapers do have a way of breaking the family budget while your kids are in them. Anything that can help save money when it comes to diapers is always welcome news. Lower prices from Luvs gets a thumbs up of approval from me!
Great deal and share. Its always a smart move to be frugal and get free and discounted items <3
I don’t have any kids but I totally agree that kids do get their awesomeness from their collaboration with their own awesomeness ..whahahhaa
Was a big fan of Luvs when my daughter was a baby. I so happy Luvs is lower so parents today can money.
We used to use Luvs diapers with the kids when they were babies. They were very affordable diapers that were great for absorbency.
I remember going through so many diapers with my babies. Always good when you can find good prices! Luvs are a great diaper, thanks for sharing!
Gotta luv lower prices! Diapers can pinch the budget for sure!
We mostly stuck to loves brand, although I think when we did pullups it was different. We never had a problem with their products. They seemed to hold up well.
Luvs was always our choice when the kids were babies & toddlers. They always were the most budget friendly and lots of coupons available too
Good to know! I have 6 kids, my baby still wears diapers. I have not tried Luvs on him yet.
I have an upcoming baby shower on my to-do list so this post couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ll definitely look for Luvs diapers at my local store.
It has been SO long since we had babies(our oldest is going to be 19 next week!) I do remember that Luvs was our go-to diaper for all stages of diaper hood!