Every once in a while it’s good to stand back and take an objective look at your home. Is it scattered with laundry? Overflowing with photos? Do you have mail piled up on your desk from weeks and months ago?
There is a psychology behind the way we keep our homes, from decor and accessories to habits of organizing and neatness. It not only reflects on you, but it may also be affecting your feelings and thinking. Our surroundings matter to us. When the outside world feels unforgiving, we retreat to our homes to find comfort. Home is a place where we can display what we find meaningful and beautiful.
Our home is emotionally connected to who we are. In design, emotions are often attributed to the most basic aspects of the house: “Steps to a happy kitchen,” “How to have an awe-inspiring entryway”, “Create perfect mood lighting.” The process of creating a space that we connect to emotionally is as varied as the emotions themselves.
For example, did you know that bright colors — vibrant shades of green and blue, yellow, and orange — provide an expansive feeling. These are friendly, happy colors that encourage communication and are therefore especially welcome in the dining area and kitchen. When it comes to being organized at home, this can have a beneficial effect on your lifestyle. Being organized offers a slew of benefits. It gives you peace of mind and saves you money since you can find and use what you own instead of buying more. It also helps you stay connected to others. When you’re disorganized, you may miss events or stop inviting people over to your home. Clearing up the space helps you feel more confident and capable and it saves you time.
Perhaps you need a change, a pick-me-up in your environment. Maybe you’re just ready to get serious about making a statement with your home for yourself and your guests. Your home is a portrait of your personality, and wellness should be reflected in even this aspect of your life. Since style is the art of living, the Philip Zepter Home Design collection represents Zepter International’s firm reply to the current popular trend of minimalism in home furnishing. Beautiful turkish linens and organizational boxes are just two of the ways Zepter can help ou to spruce up your home. The Masterpiece Collection is designed to bring style to your kitchen and table as well, with a range of design to compliment all tastes and styles.
Don’t wait until Spring cleaning to spruce up your home! Making changes for the better now will have profound effects on your happiness and health that will reflect and reward you in your life at home and well beyond.
If you would like more ideas and solutions for a healthier and happier life, you can check out Zepter on Facebook.
Do you feel that there are changes you can make to your home that will make you happier?
This post is sponsored by Zepter, an international company whose mission is to enlighten people on how to live healthier, happier lives.
I definitely agree that we are connected to our decor of our homes. I love decorating and making sure that our home feels warm, welcoming and comfortable.
hmmm…when my desk is a wreck, it is typically during a time when I am frustrated & unhappy with a project. I never really thought about relating that to the rest of the house.
Yes, remodel my kitchen, lol. We also need a touch more furniture and everything will be perfect.
yes, I’ve always had dreams of making changes to the home decor. That’s the only way our homes can remain relevant to our lifestyles.
I like bright colors in my house, it helps me stay cheerful during the dark winter days. Right now I need to focus on getting rid of clutter more than redecorating though.
Now that we moved, I have decluttered and made my personal space a much more enjoyable area!
I’d really rather just start over with a completely different home – might be cheaper!
I know I feel a lot happier when my home is order and well decorated, which is hard when you have two rambunctious kids. ~lol~
A few of my friends feng shui their house every couple of months, maybe its time I start you never know till you try right.
YES! I need to re-paint our bedroom. We also need to get some new living room furniture and accessories.
I could only dream of having a living room like that. We need to paint our bedroom..it’s been the same nasty color since we bought the house 6 years ago.
I haven’t really felt emotionally connected to this house since I moved here, and I know that has an impact on my decor. I need to get with it!
I am dying to repaint. The walls look great but they are a boring neutral color. I love bright and bold. Past that though, I am happy with my home.
We’re int he process of selling our home so I’m trying to DEtach from the house after almost 9 years.
I’m pretty minimalist right now with an almost 2 year old into everything. I have to stash decorations and furniture that I know is a trigger for her.
I hate to think what my house says about us. I can appreciate fine design, but have a heck of a time pulling a polished look together.
I absolutely agree with the information shared. Your home is indeed a reflection of your personality. If you have a vibrant-coloured home, then most probably you are a happy type of person.
I never really thought about the connection but it is so true. The more down I am the messier my house and my life are for sure!
who knew? Thanks for sharing this good advice