Oral health is so important, yet sometimes it’s one of the things that can get forgotten in the deluge of day to day activities or skipped at night when everyone is just too tired. Whether it’s kids or adults, the same principles come into play.
I try to maintain good habits when it comes to my teeth and gums as I know from family members how painful swollen gums can be. I, myself, have had times when my gums were red (not fun at all!), and I know I should floss more than I do! I do brush morning and night, and occasionally in between, however, I recently found out that brushing alone misses 75% of your mouth. That was shocking to me.
Even if you brush twice a day, you’re likely to miss a majority of your mouth which leaves room for germs to proliferate.
By using a LISTERINE Antiseptic mouthwash twice a day for just 30 seconds, you can clean virtually 100% of your mouth.
You can get:
- Up to 5 times healtheir gums in 2 weeks
- Up to 9 times healthier gums in 9 weeks
Good luck!
The pet mouth adoption is a fun idea! I’m a Listerine Zero girl here!
We are coverts!
All the best!!
What a great challenge!
I’ve used Listerine for years. I love it. I even keep at least three extra bottles on hand so I don’t run out. Yes, a bit obsessive I know!
I love Listerine its my preferred mouthwash..good luck on the challenge
I think I’ll join you!
Wow, a chance to do good for others and for your mouth.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to buy more!
What a great ‘challenge’, I really like that they are giving back and the ways to help kids. Great post-thank you, I’m going to check it out! (Raine on rafflecopters)
a lot of people don’t realize how important good oral health is to overall health!
oral health is so important. We did this challenge last year and we still use Listerine to this day.
Oral health is so important. We did this challenge last year and we still use Listerine to this day.
Good luck with the challenge!
I’m up for the challenge too!
Good luck with your challenge! I’m really good about oral health, but I’m not one to remember to use mouthwash. My husband uses it sometimes though.
I really need to do this! I think you just motivated me!
Good luck. We did this last year and it created good habits with the kids. They haven’t ever stopped.
This is a great challenge… good luck!
great challenge, my kids need constant reminders about their teeth
I love that they’re donating to such a good cause!
we use xylitol to help with cavities.
Awesome! Oral health is so important!
I’m taking the challenge too! I love that it helps promote a good cause too!
We just went to the dentist for our checkups and there are definitely improvements to be made!
I use LISTERINE Antiseptic mouthwash twice a day for just 30 seconds! I know that this is a great product, and that oral health is so important at any age. I took the 21 day challenge for my oral health!
We only use Listerine products.