I really hate harsh chemicals that are so often used in cleaning products. One time I was in my room lying down while the rugs were cleaned, and, after a while, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Yuck. I had to open every window while we all just left the house and went out for lunch and a movie!
Since then, I try really hard to use green cleaners whenever I can. It’s a process of trial and error, but, there are good ones out there that clean just as well or better without the harsh chemicals or toxic odors.
I have good friends in New York and was discussing this with them the other day. My friend said that, with children and pets, she was afraid to have her rug cleaned and was just moving furniture over the stains. She told me that, after a while, there were just too many stains to cover up! But, after consulting with eco-conscious friends, she found Green Choice carpet cleaning in New York.
She told me that they didn’t have to leave the house and that the price was reasonable. Not only that, but they had a good variety of methods and all were safe for her kids and her cats.
I like that. I like that you can have a clean home and feel good about what you choose to clean with. It may take a bit of extra effort, but, it is surely worth it. Good health has no price.
I like how more companies are going green!
I’m extremely chemical sensitive. I can’t use bleach or use more than one product at a time without getting ill.Thanks for the product review!
I have asthma so I have to be careful with what I use too.
I love that she found a green carpet cleaning place. If only everyone did this.
I have been starting to use more and more green cleaning products. I just feel better about using them.
I worry about carpet cleaners because of some things I’ve read. I will have to look into this.
I’m all about going green!
I love the idea of green cleaning. I use very little chemical cleaners in my home.
I get migraines and harsh chemicals/smells are one of the things that triggers them, so I prefer natural cleaners too!
It is important to be careful about the cleaners we use!
sounds like a great company. We use as many green products as we can.
woah this is awesome when more companies are going green!
I love this idea!
I have used both non-eco friendly and eco-friendly carpet cleaning services and I can honestly tell you that the green cleaner did a way better job! My carpets were gorgeous!
I like that you didn’t have to leave and that it was environmentally friendly.
We have a lot of fish tanks (plus 4 cats) and we try very hard to be careful when we’re cleaning but we never thought about using cleaners that are more animal/pet friendly. Thanks for the ideas. I’ll have to chat company from New York.
Love this idea
I try to use cleaning products that are pet friendly. I like that so many companies are going green… win win for everyone!
I have found that after using non-chemical based cleaning products, many of the skin rashes and breathing issues I used to have cleared up. Its been amazing!
We try to avoid as many toxic products as possible. Great that many companies are finally getting on board.
Since my husband has asthma I have to be careful about what I use and I prefer green whenever possible.
i have to be careful with what I use, as I have kids with asthma.
I love that there are so many more green products on the market these days. My son is extremely sensetive to anything harsh, so it’s really important to us
I like the idea of using eco-friendly products, especially where kids play and where animals go. Thanks for sharing!
green products are much better, I live with my dad right now, and everytime he uses his chemical stuff it agrivates my breathing big time.
So glad companies are offering green products for cleaning~!
I’m so with you on avoiding the harsh, toxic cleaners. The one I’m quite excited about these days is….
My husband and I married mid-life, so we both have a lot of cleaning history behind us. He’s big on using “products,” whereas I’m a “why don’t we try water, vinegar or baking soda first?”
I read early in my adulthood (and it may not have even been true) that many cleaners actually leave a film that attracts dirt so that you end up cleaning with their products even more often. Again, maybe not true, but it spooked me about P&G and Lysol. For some reason, I have always trusted “green” products a lot more. Like others, I’m so pleased that it’s become more mainstream to use green products. Twenty years ago, I was considered pretty nutty.
Since my husband is ashtmatic I always have to be very careful about the chemicals I use in cleaning
I like the fact that more people are being responsible and using chemical free cleaners and other products. Alot of us who have health issues surely appreciate too
Love this post! I had an allergic reaction to windex a couple years ago, I have been using some chemical free stuff since then but it didn’t work very well. Now I am using norwex and I love it!
I use norwex, I love it!
We have lots of allergies and I have started to clean with just plain vinegar and water – it is amazing the difference it has made. No more chemicals!
I am sensitive to things like that too. Even new carpet lets off a smell for awhile. If you have breathing issues its easy to feel you cant breathe. I even stopped using furniture sprays in the house. and air spray freshers. It affects more people than we think it does. Go green I say
This is a great idea, the less we use chemical the better
I love to try Green cleaning
It doesn’t take harsh chemicals to clean. I haven’t used them in 5 years.
slehan at juno dot com
That same thing happened to me once after cleaning carpets. Thank you. Jerri Davis
I try use eco-friendly cleaners too, because harsh chemicals make me really nervous. I will try to look for a safe company next time we need professional carpet cleaning.