For a lot of us, our smartphones are crucial in our lives. So much valuable information is in that little device, including connections to work, family, friends, photos and so much more. Losing them can create a lot of headaches. I remember one time when I couldn’t find my phone. I retraced my steps for hours. I tried virtually everything, only to find it had slipped through the seat of my friend’s car and was on the floor in the back. Huge sigh of relief.
Even worse than that was when I’ve dropped my phone and it has gotten cracked or the day it went through the washing machine while in the inside pocket of my hoodie! Needless to say that was a completely lost cause.
1 in 4 people will lose, damage or have their phone stolen this year. My iPhone is like a mini-computer to me. Without protection, I’d be a lot more worried.
And what about your kids’ smartphones?
Protection Tips
Asurion offers these easy summer tips to help minimize the damage to children’s phones this summer:
• A good case or silicone protector can help protect the back and sides against scratches and provide some impact protection.
• A transparent film screen protector can prevent the screen from scratching and can also help remove glare.
• A growing number of waterproof cases are on the market designed to protect phones when submerged in water for a limited amount of time.
• Purchase cell phone insurance to protect your investment and stay connected with children. Many wireless carriers now offer Asurion’s downloadable application that can remotely locate, lock or wipe a phone, along with the insurance coverage.
It’s great to know that the complete Asurion protection package, available through most wireless companies, empowers you with the apps and services that put you in control – everything you need for total peace of mind so you can enjoy using your smartphone. You can feel safe knowing you’re protected with Asurion, whether you need technology to secure your data privacy against growing mobile threats, need a device expert who’s just a call or click away, or coverage to replace your phone as quickly as the next day.
Have you had a mobile mishap or know someone who did? We’d love to hear about it. One person who shares their story will win a $40 Amazon or $40 iTunes card (your choice!)
Share your mobile mishap and enter to win by using the Rafflecopter below.
My husband left his phone on the trunk of the car and drove away. Luckily it was in our driveway and he had a decent case on it!
My daughter dropped her iphone in a parking lot last month and cracked the glass. She had just taken it out of an otter box the day before.
My son – the day he got his first cell phone, he jumped in the pool with it in his pocket. He was so upset with himself. The phone was ruined.
My daughter dropped my phone in the toilet while we were on vacation.
Two days after my son received his first smartphone. He sat it on the roof of his car and drove off. Smashing it on the highway.
i dropped my phone off my bed and the screen cracked! apple gave me a new one, though
While driving, the guy in the car in front of us hit the car he was in back of. He was on his cell phone, stopped the car and got out of the car, still talking on his cell. They exchanged information with the driver whose car he hit and continued to talk on his cell as he walked back to his car.
My husband broke his iPhone screen, I mean shattered it! This was 2 days after he got it for Christmas….
I’ve dropped mine in the toilet
I dropped my cell phone in the toilet
elena150980 at yahoo dot com
My husband has dropped hi phone off of a 2 story house while roofing!
ellen beck on RC
I dropped my cell phone on the pavement and cracked it.
Rafflecopter name: Mary Happymommy
Ha! There are many mobile mishap stories my son has had that I could tell you. One is he was walking downstairs with his phone on top of a glass of milk then oops, one misstep and into the glass of milk the phone went. Gurggle gurggle!
I dropped my cell in the bathtub and cracked the screen.
I dropped my phone in the Chicago River when I was on an architectural cruise!
Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Hubby lost his cell phone when he was running the torch through our town. We had to search over 2 miles and still never found it.
While buckling my kids into their carseats, I left my phone ontop of my car roof. Went about my errands and pulling up to my house, I saw my phone in our street, all smashed up.
my phone fell in the toilet aT work
I dropped my phone in a train station, and the parts shattered all over.
Let’s just say rushed laundry and leave it at that.
ky2here at msn dot com
I dropped a brand new cell phone in a restaurant that had a hard ceramic floor. It skittered across the room. I picked it up and walked back to the table only to watch the display turn into the opening scene of The Matrix and the pixels dripped to the bottom of the screen!
my daughter got too close to the poolside with the cell phone in her hand…y
My granddaughter has cracked the face of her Iphone not once but twice in the last month.
My mobile mishap happened when I dropped my iPhone and cracked the screen.
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I washed and dried my 1st cell phone and it died. Then I’ve gone thru a lot…. Just got a new cell phone and 2 weeks into it the back is already broken. Ohhhhh, not sure if I should return it.
i ran over my old cell phone!
I’ve dropped mine in the toilet once… or twice. =/
I dropped mine in a toilet.
been lucky so far but brother ran hnis over.
My Husband and I got new phones and the next day it fell out of his pocket and he lost it. So I had to give him mine because he works long distance.
I dropped my phone into the toilet not only once, I’m glad it’s going strong
My son drove over his cell phone. Not pretty!
I dropped my phone and busted the back off. Later that day Emma was taking a bath and she fell over in the water..Head under. I dropped my phone to get her and it went in the water! It still worked!
alholm.co at gmail dot com
My husband threw his phone in the washer — oops!
Once I had my cell phone fall into a puddle 🙁
My friends seem to drop their phones in the toilet fairly often.
My brother dropped his iPhone on the floor and it shattered.
Mine was dropped in a tub of water once!
I once was walking home and drop my phone, and just my luck, it fell through the sewer drain on the side of the road. I couldn’t believe it myself!
-Mona Z
And old acquaintance was notorious for dropping his stuff and breaking the screens. He broke the screen on at least one of his phones, and two separate iPads.
I dropped my iPhone getting out of the car once. Fell out of my pocket.
I dropped my Blackberry down two flights of cement steps. It kept working except for the magnetic unlock. I finally died in a car accident – had it in my pocket and checked it afterwards – the screen was completely shattered, but all of the people were okay.
My friend had an awful mishap when her toddler washed her phone in a pail of water!
gagaslab at gmail dot com
My daughter left her cell phone on the porch and a storm came in and she found it
sitting in water
I have a friend who dove into their pool with the phone in their pocket. OOPS.
dropped my phone in the toilet….
My son has been thru about 4 phones already in less than 6 months!!
My husband works in construction and when they are laying cement he continuously drops his cell phone in it- he has lost 3 phones this way last winter.
Well, funny story. I was so frustrated and angry at my past mobile phone because it was so glitchy that I lost my temper and actually bit the phone. LOL Cracked the internal screen. True story!
Thank you for this giveaway 🙂
My friend got her phone wet at the beach.
I dropped mine off the boat into the water. Never saw it again
My son ran his over,not knowing he dropped it out of his pocket while we were garage saleing
My son dropped one in the toilet
Hi! 🙂 Well, I’ve been lucky so far, and not have had any mishaps… my old PDA lasted years – and there were a couple times when I dropped it that in those first couple of seconds, you’re wondering.
Had to finally replace that PDA last year, and haven’t dropped it yet, but it has a better case now, so if I do, less wondering. 🙂
And hope the old luck holds out for years to come! 🙂
My daughter dropped my husbands old iphone into the toilet.
My husband is the mobile mishap. He looses his phone almost regularly. We are on our third in two years.
dropped my phone into the toilet
kport207 at gmail dot com
My daughter has dropped (and broke/drowned) more phones, than a normal Family will use in a Lifetime.
I washed my cell phone in the washing machine and didn’t know it until I kept hearing this aweful sound coming from the dryer!!! Tada!! It still worked! 🙂
My uncle ran over his phone with a riding lawnmower.
My husband dropped his in the river.
My sister is constantly dropping her phone in the toilet, ewww!!
I’ve dropped my iPhone in the toilet.
Thanks for the chance!
raceracegirl at yahoo dot com
Washed and dried my phone like a boss!!
The last mishap I left my phone in a restaurant.
dropped phone in lake!
I dropped my daughter’s phone down a flight of concrete stairs
sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net
Phone versus concrete and the concrete won. Completely cracked the screen. Still worked just fine though. I know someone who got their phone slammed in a car door and the display was all screwed up afterwards.
My husband set his phone on top of the car, and while we were driving, we saw something fall off the back of the car. My husband immediately knew it was his phone and we went back to get it. It had a cracked face, but it does still work!
I dropped it in the pool
My friend dropped her phone in the toilet.
Dad likes to keep his phone in his shirt pocket, so he bends over and ooops….phone falls.
i went on a vacation with my bf and was so excited by the private pool that I jumped in forgetting that my phone was in my pocket
My friend left hers in her pocket and ran it through the washer
I dropped my phone in a honey bucket one time!
Thanks for the chance.
I drop my phone out of my car window. Phones do not bounce.
I dropped my phone over a counter at dunkin donuts and it broke when it hit the floor.
I dropped my phone in the toilet. Sigh
I washed my old iphone in the washing machine. I didn’t realize it until it was way too late and the phone was full of soap.
my iphone flew off my bunk bed in my dorm and the screen shattered on my floor….oops
jumped in the pool with it
I haven’t had any phone mishaps
I’ve never had luck with any of my phones. They either drop calls or don’t get calls or messages.
Thanks for this giveaway!!
No mishaps in this realm
Honestly, I don’t even have one. I’ve been using the same phone for about 8 years now without any problems!
My father in law lost his phone off the back of his motorcycle!
DH just broke his iphone screen, sigh
My hubby dropped his phone on the pavement and it shattered. I’m just glad it was his work phone so that they had to have it replaced. lol thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
My son’s cell phone fell in the lake while he was fishing.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
My sis had her cell phone stolen and her minutes were transferred by the thief.
Thank you.
I drop my phone all the time.
I don’t have a juicy story but I once butt dialed my boss. Luckily, all her heard was the radio in my car.
one, SAD SAD day, i was getting off of the toilet and I was rushing and as soon as i flushed it, my phone fell into the toilet and went away with everything else in he toilet. smh! SMH, now i don’t ever take my phone near a toilet
When I worked at Magic Kingdom, I once lost my phone on the track of a ride! Got it back a little scratched up, but still working!
CrystalW07 at aol.com
Fell off the bumper of the car on a dirt road, never found again.
I dropped my cell and it cracked the screen
I have dropped my phone in the toilet numerous times, different phones that is. I have really really bad luck with keeping my phone in my back pocket and having them fall in the flipping toilet.
I dropped my phone in water during a pedicure.
My Husband jumped in the lake to get our dog out!..He was so upset to ruin his new iphone!..But he saved our dog!
my sister dropped her phone in the tolit crystletellerday@yahoo.com
i left my phone at a movie theater, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
My husband left his phone on the roof of the car and surprisingly we went back and found it but the screen was all cracked.
my phone wass dropped into a hot tub
My phone thankfully has made it through being dropped many many times however my phone cases were not so lucky. I am currently on #4 and it’s broken too. I’ve spent over 120.00 on phone cases alone in the last year. I drop my phone normally while carrying the baby to the car, carrying the diaper bag and my purse. I am usually fumbling with everything and my phone smacks the ground. Takes my breath away, if it gets broken it’s 600.00 to replace it as I am not eligible for an upgrade yet (Eek!)
Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com
I dropped mine in a toilet once.
I dropped it in the toilet.
I have a friend who refuses to get a cover for his iPhone. He has dropped and broken it several times and had to pay for a new one.
jcottey at aol dot com
My Yorkie stole my phone and was chewing on it, and he ended up shattering the screen
My friend Ben accidentally washed his phone when he left it in the pocket of his cargo pants — it got clean but was totally kaput after going through the spin cycle!
Geoff K
dropped mine in the pool.
gabbflabber at live.com
My daughter answered my flip phone and she continued to flip it open until it bent in half
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My sister was helping her little girl to the pool and instead of her daughter, the phone went in for a swim.
I dropped my cell phone on the tile floor, while nothing was broken on the outside the phone would never work again.
my iphone slipped out of my pocket getting out of the car and I stepped on it and cracked the glass I bought a replacement kit and tried doing it myself its works but it isnt pretty lol
Current Im having a mobile mishap. My screen has gone crazy! Half the time it won’t work, and it randomly starts doing things, like it has a mind of it’s own. IE calling people, opening aps, email, etc
My 13 month old got her hands on mine and chucked it across the kitchen, it hasn’t worked right since
I jumped in my mom’s pool after my nephew, who had gone in with his cousins after a ball. I pulled J out of the pool, and got out. It was just as I started peeling off wet clothes and changing that my phone rang. Once. And I swear to this day it actually gurgled as it died. LOL
My son’s phone quit working after he used it in the rain.
My mister ran over his phone with a forklift because it fell out of his pocket at work. Amazingly enough it still worked for a while after that.
I dropped my cell phone on the pavement just last week!
i dropped my phone in the toilet months ago. tried everything to get it to work but had no success.
It fell down the concrete stairs outside 🙁
A long time ago I had drank way too much at a club one night & when I woke up the next day the inside screen on my flip phone was busted.
I accidently washed my husband’s in the washing machine. I thought I had checked all his pockets.
I always thought people had to be off their rocker when they talked about dropping their phone in the toilet………..guess my rocker’s not too stable either!!!! My phone was in my jacket pocket and as soon as I raised my jacket – plop…in the toilet it went………..2 days in a bag of rice did wonders, but still ended up having to get a new phone!
I slipped on a boat dock and fell into the water. So did my phone, it did not survive.
My husband refused to use the sleeve for my phone when he had it bcuz it was pink…needless to say, it came home with a cracked screen from a meeting with the sidewalk as he got out of the car one day.
I have a friend who dropped his off a boat into the lake — dove in an got it but it was never the same.
My car is such a mess…I lost my phone in the back of my car -it was turned off for a year-had to buy a new one
Diane Baum
My toddler threw my phone across the room and cracked the screen 🙁
Eileen B.
I was pushed into a lake and my phone was in my pocket
just the usual drop & smash – regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
I just got a new phone. Recently I accidentally knelt on my old one and cracked the screen.
I’ve been lucky but my friend has dropped 3 phones in the toilet in the past year.
I dropped it in the grocery store parking lot
caryn9802 at yahoo dot com
I left my cellphone on the roof of my car and drove away
my son went in the gulf of mexico with it in his pocket
My mom dropped her iphone in the pond.
My husband went fishing, and his phone fell out of his pocket into the lake!
My son ruined 2 iphones within 6 days. The first he dropped in a glass of water and the second one fell out of his car as he got home one night. He didn’t notice until the next morning and it rained over night.
i drop my phone all the time and always handle it with wet hands…..so it works when it wants to.
I dropped mine but the outer case protector saved it!
My son threw mine in the toilet!
I threw my phone onto the bed, and it bounced and its screen cracked.
My dad dropped his phone in the toilet once.
I dove into a pool with my phone and found out it was not waterproof.
dropped my phone in a urinal before
Nothing interesting ever happens to me
My husband is TERRIBLE with phones. At a basketball game he put his in his lap and leaped up to cheer..cracking the screen. It was horrible!
i just lost my to a sidewalk when it fell out of my pocket
My sister washed hers by mistake.
My son picked up my phone and dropped it in a glass of water.
arudig at comcast dot net
I dropped mine int he toilet.
I let my husband borrow my phone and he dropped it when getting out of the car and shattered the screen.
I dropped my phone in the toilet before
Damian Jarreau
My phone drowned in my purse after my water bottle exploded!
Dropping my phone on the concrete ground. Got scratched up pretty bad.
I had my phone in my jacket pocket on NYE and someone stepped on it and cracked my screen!
My husbands phone was run over by an unloading truck at work and the phone still works fine,lol.
I dropped my phone in the toilet
my mom dropped her phone into her coffee cup at night on a road trip.
I lost one in a snowdrift!
Miz Vickik
Phone fell out of my purse while getting into the car and then I ran over it.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
Nothing could save it, but I ran over my own cell phone with my own Ambulance once..nothing could save it!
I accidentally left my phone on top of my car and drove off. When I finally found it out front of my house, it had been ran over a few times.
Danielle ddhavens@yahoo.com
my son once flushed my new phone!
ssgsweeps @hotmail .com
I dropped my phone in the lake while fishing!
I left my phone at the imax and luckily someone turned it in
I recently witnessed my oldest daughter dunk her cell phone into a full cup of pop while she was driving.
My husband forgot his phone was in his pocket and jumped in the pool, he felt something really hot on his leg and it was the battery shorting out. It was ruined as I am sure you could predict.
Last summer I lost my phone and had to replace it. Of course, I found the old phone a couple of weeks later. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
My friend dropped her phone in the toilet.
My phone got wet while in my coat pocket
I dropped my phone in the pool 🙁
dropped mine on the potty
and there it went
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Tell me your or someone you know’s mobile mishap story in the blog comments below.
mostly low batterys
My dog knocked my new Windows phone out of my hand; it fell onto the corner of the coffee table and crunched the glass.
Put phone in shirt pocket. Bend over to flush toilet. Oops.
Thanks for the contest.
I once lost my phone and when I finally found it, it was in the parking lot and someone had run over it with their truck :O
My husband bent over to pick something up next to the pool and his phone fell out of his shirt pocket. It sank straight to the bottom of the deep end.
Aaron Bretveld
I’ve never actually had any mobile phone mishaps since I try to be careful with it since I know how expensive smart phones are to replace.
my phone fell into a bucket of paint
I haven’t had a mobile mishap yet, but I’ve probably jinxed myself now. I’m logged into rafflecopter as Patrice.
not that long ago i dropped my phone in iced coffee
i dropped my phone in pool last week
vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com
I once dropped mine in a public toilet… it stayed there..
brittneydejajason at gmail dot com
My sister dropped her phone in the toilet, and also washed her other one with her dirty clothes.
my son threw my phone in a swimming pool one time when he was real young at the hotel
Shattered one on the pavement. 🙁
My grandson lost his at work–on a 400 acre tract of land that he was patrolling!
cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com
I had a toddler drool on mine and ruin it.
I lost mine hiking last week!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
My phone fell in a sink full of water!
my son has dropped and broken 3 phones in the last year
my son’s phone fell on a stone hearth and the screen shattered
My boyfriend had his iphone in his pocket when we were at his little cousins summer birthday party and his cousin took a bucket of water and splashed it on the pocket his phone was in leaving us rushing to the apple store with an hour left of it being open because the sound didnt work
Friends phone cracked while meeting a celebrity, she got so nervous she dropped it right in front of her!
i dropped my phone in the pool one time
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I dropped my phone in the pool once
I’ve never had a ‘mobile mishap’ [knock on wood] though I’ve seen others with droopy faces show their shattered screens. My boss lost his once because it slipped out of his sweatpants pocket. He now has a rubberized case that will protect against falls and won’t slip out of a pocket or a hand.
i dropped my phone down 3 flights of stairs.
My phone fell out of my pocket and into the river! It was washed away!
I dropped my phone in the dark, thought it was a small animal near my foot scuttering by like some imagined rat, and stomped the ever living #$@% out of it! Oooops
I Acidently left it on the top of my car leaving from my dads house, I searched all day for it on the side of the road and finally found a mile and a half away form his house, it was hanging on for dear life lol!!
I left my cell phone in a cab a long time ago and it got stolen (chelsea.n.daigle@gmail.com)
My sister dropped hers in the toilet
One time my wife broke my phone!
Tim Moss, yupbucket@hotmail.com
My best friend is not allowed to bring her cell phone when we go out to the bar, she has lost two phones because she dropped them in the toilet!
Thanks for the giveaway…Cell phone + Dog = nasty chew marks on the edge of my cell phone’s outer case.
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Brian E.
Our son decided that my husband’s brand new phone needed to take a bath in a glass of water!
My son’s phone went through the washing machine.
I dropped my phone off of a fishing pier.
my sister almost droped her phone in the toilet but she was able to smack it and it didnt go in the toilet but unfortunately it landed in the dogs water bowl
My phone mishap was when our son’s great dane ate my phone!! grammypenny@frontier.com
My phone fell in the pool at a party.
julie hawkins
honeypie411 at yahoo dot com
not toolong ago I set the phone on the toilet lid and knocked it into the bowl!
brich22 at earthlink dot net
Phone dropped in the river as were disembarking from our canoe. It pays to keep items on the river in waterproof bags.
My sister put her phone on her tire while she tied her shoe, forgot about the phone, and drove over it. DOH!
I lost it during a move.
I broke my phone at the airport minutes before leaving town for a week
My daughter dropped my phone into a sink full of water.
PDWinner523 at gmail.com
I dropped my phone in a puddle once, that was not good. Been really careful since then.
My cell vibrated its way off the dresser, crashing to the floor.
tridingermckee at gmail dot com
I was putting my phone in my purse and missed. It hit the curb and bounced onthe asphalt. It was scratched but works.
I dropped my phone in a cup of water once when we were on vacation. (Roxann)
I dropped mine in the tub
husband dropped his cell phone into the fryer at work.
My son dropped his cell phone and was fortunate enough to get it replaced, which is a rarity. My friend dropped hers in the toilet at work during a meeting. The company replaced it because she is always hooked up through her phone. We all depend on these devices so much.
A good case needs to be able to protect the phone from scratches as well as act as a shock absorber to protect the functionality of the phone, and protect the touch screen from scratches and cracks.
samsung galaxy s 2 screen protector
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