Makobi Scribe is hosting the Unique Gift Ideas Event with a Sumo Lounge Beanbag Chair as the grand prize!
Throughout this event, you will find many unique gift ideas as you hop down the list of amazing blogs and I wish you all good luck!
I’m very happy to be bringing you two unique gift ideas for my giveaway here at Strange Daze Indeed, where the unusual is always welcome! I have two gift ideas for your body, mind and spirit!
First of all, you will receive a set of 10 sample (1 ml) scents of your choosing that rock my senses in a way no other perfumes have. They are hand-made by Cat Marx of Deep Midnight Perfumes. There are over 90 magical scents with exotic and unique blends! Gothic, romantic, steampunk, ancient Egyptian, Celtic – what kind of mood are you in? Explore!
You can read my review here! Check out Children of the Night, Boudica, Catrianna’s Cauldron and so many more!
All perfumes are made with the highest quality fragrance and/or essential oils that are vegan, cruelty free, phthalate and paraben free, and are blended into a base of pure organic jojoba oil.
And, as a special gift, Cat is offering my readers a 15% discount on all orders with the Code: UNIQUESCENTS until 7/31/12!
The next part of the package are two tees from the wonderful So Lucky To B Me Tees created by Andie Graff. You can read my review here!
These tees are not only stylin’, super soft, flattering and comfortable, but they also have a wonderful inspirational message to boost your spirit.
The two tees are: “Because I Am”
which has this on the back: “Because I am the one and only me, I am more than enough say it, feel it, believe it…So Lucky To B Me…” <3 andie ™
The other is the “I Wear My Crown Tee”
So, if you’d like to win this package of unique gifts for body and spirit, please enter in the Rafflecopter below and the very best of luck!
Disclosure: I was provided samples in order to facilitate my reviews but all opinions expressed are strictly my own.
blood and donuts!
Lust and lace seems intriguing.
vixon venom sounds intriguing
Blood and Donuts
Blood and Donuts
i like triple moon.
Sweet Calavara. It’s hard to say without actually knowing what they smell like. I don’t like heavy, musky scents at all.
Lace and Lust scent sounds great!
All of them really! (I LOVE perfume!) But the Wee Green Fae caught my eye!
Blood and Donuts
rierie11booger (@)
I like the ALMINA Perfume Oil: Edwardian, Victorian, DOWNTON ABBEY inspired, violets, tuberose, leather – Paul Tran ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
The Lost Lady scent sounds like it’d be nice.
Lace and Lust
SECRET JOURNAL… It sounds very mysterious.
Tracy A.J.
White Moon sounds good.
I would love to try
I would like to try Gwenhwyfr, Sweet Calavera and Lace Parasol.
vixon venom sounds good.
Vixen Venom
Secret Journal sounds good
french chocolate macaroon sounds different!
Eridu sounds so enchanting…
lunrei at yahoo dot com
triple moon
There are so many wonderful scents, but Shangrila sounds like something I would try!
i would like to try vixen venom
Black Throne
My e-mail: blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com
I think the Gwenhwyfar Perfume sounds good!
I would like to try venomous vixen and children of the night.
I would like to try RED MOON Perfume Oil:Fantasy Perfume, Gothic Perfume, Red Musk and Hibiscus, Dark Currants
I would like to try all of the “three Graces” perfume.
Euphrosyne sounds like a great scent!!
Shannon M Gallagher on rafflecopter
surveylover77 at hotmail dot com
The DEEP MIDNIGHT Perfume Oil sounds like it would be good.
Deep Midnight and triple moon sound interesting
I think the WHITE MOON sounds yummy!
Samhain Night just sounds lovely
CARNIVALE ROUGE: Perfume Oil, GOTHIC perfume, dark cocoa, amber, amaretto liqueur, cream
The Atlantis Perfume oil
thank you
samhain night!!!!
Blood and Donuts oh yes!
Triple Moon sounds appealing to me.
CHARIS: Three Graces Perfume Oil
Mystical Lands sounds nice!
Susan Chester
blood and donuts.
Samhain Night.
CARNIVALE ROUGE: Perfume Oil, GOTHIC perfume, dark cocoa, amber, amaretto liqueur, cream
COCO VIOLETTE: VICTORIAN Perfume Oil is the scent that sounds the best to me.
The Atlantis Perfume Oil sounds intriguing.
Gwenhwyfar, Alexandria, Silk Road Delights and many more!
Triple Moon
morganowl28 at gmail dot com
The Alexandria: Perfume Oil sounds like it would smell great! Thanks for this amazing giveaway – I would love to win!
burrow95308 (at) mypacks (dot) net
Good luck everyone! I am excited to send a lucky winner the sample set of their choice!
Blood and Donuts
theres so many that sound great but i think FRENCH CHOCOLATE MACAROON: Victorian Perfume Oil would smell good!
I don’t know the names don’t tel me much lol! I wish i could smell them
Sweet Calavera sounds delightful!
I like lace and lust
I would love to try The Ancient Kingdoms: Perfume Oil Sample Set.
Lace and Lust scent sounds great…
I didn’t see my comment so I am trying again…sorry if it’s a repeat.
I would love to try Ancient Kingdoms: Perfume Oil Sample Set
Time Machine sounds good. I love steampunk and I love the smell of patchouli.
the imagine tree at aol dot com
TRIPLE MOON: PERFUME sample set of three vials: WHITE MOON, RED MOON, and DARK MOON
Velvet Harlot sounds interesting.
I’d try Vixen Venom & Deep Midnight.
OneUniqueQueen (at) gmail (dot) com
i would like lace and lust
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
LADY O. PERFUME Oil, Gothic Perfume, Victorian Perfume Oil
Kristie Betts
Betsy Barnes
I would like Blood and Donuts 🙂
Alexandria Perfume Oils.
The triple moon
Blood and Donuts.