I originally created Gems from the Goddess as a program for those who have limited means. As the year has progressed, I’ve realized that this offering is so much more than that. At its core it is about aligning stones with those who need it and giving them the opportunity to practice receiving and being taking care of. Gems from the Goddess is also for those of you who wouldn’t ordinarily treat yourself, have a hard time asking for help & receiving it or simply feel called by the stone and would love an opportunity to win.
Each month, l create a stunning gem to post on my website along with an overview of the stone’s properties. If you think this stone would enhance your life, send me an email and tell me why. After I receive all of the entries, I will meditate with the stone, select who the stone resonates with most, and mail it to you, free of charge. With your permission, I will also share your story on my website!
Be sure to include:
- Your preferred name (or a request to remain anonymous)
- Why you feel this stone would enhance your life, and
- The best way to contact you
Submit your stories to AmandaSelfJewelry@gmail.com .
MARCH’S OFFERING (please enter by 3/31)
Affirmation “My masculine & feminine energies are grounded & balanced.”
Hematite is the most effective of all stones for grounding oneself in the body and in the physical world. It can counteract spaciness and confusion, helping one to see practical concerns and move forward with useful action. It is excellent manifestation stone.
Hematite lends one strength, courage and fortitude for moving through adversity. It is a powerful stone to use when one is seeking to integrate the shadow self. Hematite is excellent for energetic support of recovery from any ailment of the blood and of blood production within bone marrow.
Pendant is 2 and 1/2 inches long by 3/4 inch wide. Valued at $45.
If this stone speaks to you, send me an email at AmandaSelfJewelry@gmail.com and share with me how you feel it can enhance your life. Deadline is March 31.
For more information about my Gems from the Goddess program
please click here
Thank you!
Amanda Self
Very unique pieces, love them!
Looked at her website…this jewelry is really beautiful!
That is a very nice and unique piece of jewelry. I tried to learn how to make jewelry like that but was not good at it.
What an amazing idea! These would be great to give to teenage foster children.
Hematite definitely speaks to where I’m at in this season of my life. Our life has been absolutely crazy the past few weeks and I’m working so hard to be mindful, grounded and present in all I do.
Thank you so much for sharing this gorgeous piece!
Oops, here’s my email: ecocrazymom@gmail.com
Very interesting. I have heard of colors doing similar things for the body and mind. I will have to look into this more, thanks for the review!