This is definitely a challenge. Especially with school and friends. You can’t keep your family in a bubble – but there are ways to help protect them.
This season promises to be one of the worst cold and flu seasons, so we’re planning ahead.
We plan to keep up with the hand-washing, vitamin C, zinc lozenges, and to keep Boiron homeopathics onhand. I find them to be natural and without side-effects, unlike some of the traditional cold and flu meds.
I also firmly believe in homemade chicken soup. It’s light, nutritious, keeps you hydrated, and its warmth will soothe and comfort.
We also try to get lots of sleep to boost immune fuction and to drink lots of fluids, especially water and fruit juices. Herbal teas taste great and can help support your immune system as well.
I am a big believer in holistic health and in homeopathic products.
For years, we have been using Oscillococcinum by Boiron. Taken at the first sign of flu, we’ve had success at either stopping the illness or reducing its symptoms. I always have Oscillo on hand and recommend it to friends.
Homeopathics use natural substances in micro-doses to help the body heal and rebalance.
Boiron has Children’s Oscillococcinum especially for kids, Children’s Coldcalm Pellets, which help relieve cold symptoms, and Children’s
Chestal for coughs. They work safely and don’t interact with other medications. They are sweet tasting and do not have that “medicine taste”.
What’s great is that you can find these products in your local CVS or Walgreen’s as well as in your supermarket or natural food store.
Here you can get $1 off any of Boiron’s new children’s products.
Stay healthy!
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