Cameesa is a crowd-funded t-shirt site which means that all of us get together to support a shirt we love and want to see printed.
The beauty of it is that you don’t have to wait to see if a shirt gets enough votes or pleases The Powers That Be. If enough of us love it, we support it and get a shirt.
And, how cool is it to be supporters of wearable art? For me, as an artist and a
consumer of art, it’s where it’s at.
It used to be $20 to support, but, they have lowered the cost to $10 plus your shipping fee and you will get a shirt when it is fully supported. Now, you can take your $10 and support as many designs as you like and when one gets fully supported, your $10 goes there. Or, you may support designs separately. And, you can always get your support money back if you get cold feet or simply get tired of waiting.
So, there is really nothing to lose and lots to gain. A lot of great shirts are there just waiting for you, yes you, to lend some support. I’ve received two so far and am waiting on my third. Both are incredible.
Cameesa also sells the shirts once they are printed but it will cost you more, so get in early and be a part of bringing these designs to life.
— Illustrator’s Block by Drakxxx
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