I’ve knocked a lot of things off of my bucket list. One of my major dreams was to live in Paris for a year and travel throughout Europe. Another was to spend time in the Greek Islands. I’ve walked across hot coals in New Mexico and met the Dalai Lama. My poetry has been published in books and magazines. I was blessed to get the chance to be a lunch chef at a hot springs resort, study with spiritual teachers, take art classes and visit ashrams.
In my life, I’ve always felt that if you want to do something badly enough, then put your all into it, work hard, save your money and do it. I’m glad that I did a lot of these things fresh out of college, because it’s harder now to find the time, leave everything and get away.
But, when you think about it, there are always more things you can add to your bucket list:
I would still love to visit Australia, explore the Great Barrier Reef.
I would love to spend time in Ireland, check out the pubs and the glorious countryside.
I would still love to run The Amazing Race. Don’t know if I ever will, but one of my best friends and I always dream about it.
I would love to visit Bora Bora, stay in a hut that you can only get to via the ocean.
I would love to be able to be a philanthropist, even for a short amount of time. I would love to have enough money to help make others’ most cherished dreams come true. That would give me so much joy!
This is the beauty of life. There are always new adventures to be had, new landscapes to explore!
I’m not near retirement yet, but, when I think about it, that seems like a glorious time to knock some of those desires off my bucket list. I just hope I have the funds to do it when I get there. For ideas on how you can fund your retirement adventure, check out AAG.com.
Whether it’s a Caribbean Cruise or learning a new language, becoming a gourmet chef or visiting each continent, they have some great ideas for you.
It’s never too late to explore and learn something new!
What’s on your Bucket List?
Disclosure: This is a partnered post with AAG but all opinions and experiences are strictly my own.
Shelbie Johnston says
To be able to rent a small cottage older home with a yard for my dog and where I can have a garden and have nature all around me. I have lived in the same ghetto overpriced apt for 15 years, I am 60, I want my dream before I die. I don’t know how,
Sarah @ Play 2 Learn with Sarah says
You’ve done some pretty cool stuff! I want to meet the Dalai Lama! I’ve been to Ireland, but would love to go back. I MUST visit Greece and Italy too.
Kate F. says
Traveling to Europe and becoming fluent in French are two things on my bucket list.
sheila ressel says
Wow, you’ve done some great things. I would love to go to Hawaii someday. That’s at the top of my bucket list.
Cynthia R says
On my bucket list is to see parts of europe, would love to go to italy, france, germany, hungary, etc.
Karen Glatt says
I want to travel and see Hawaii. It is so beautiful there. But my big trip that I would love to take is to Greece. Greece is an amazing place to vacation. I would love to try the food.
Penelope Guzman says
You’ve done a great job of creating a bucket list. I think everyone should have one.
Angela says
I have a long bucket list. I would really love to meet the Dalai Lama!
Sarah L says
At the top of my list is a trip to New Zealand.
Rachel says
Italy is on my bucket list. A month long trip of viewing the sites and just eating. Oh, lots and lots of eating.
Plus I want to someday see something I painted hanging up in a gallery. That would be amazing.
Singapore Mum Blog says
wow you did some really awesome stuff!! And I like that Participating in Amazing Race bit!!
Liz Mays says
Most of my bucket list is about travel, I think. I have so many places I want to see yet!
Kait says
I too want to visit bora bora!!
Sarah L says
I want to be fluent in Spanish.
Jo-Ann Brightman says
On my bucket list to go traveling outside the continental USA. I have never been to Hawaii and would love to visit it.
Katie says
Australia is on my bucket list. Years ago I planned to go and life took me in another direction. Staying at the Disneyland Hotel is a bucket list item and we are staying there in November!
Becky J says
Wow! You have really done a lot! I haven’t done much of anything, I dream of traveling and fun adventures, but I have never really thought about a “Bucket List’ maybe if I really thought about it and wrote it down it would get me working towards that goal!
Erica says
One thing on my bucket list that I plan on doing soon is skydiving!
Ruth Griffeth says
Wow this is actually the perfect question for today since it is my Birthday! I have to say traveling is on the top of my list there is like 5 or 6 places I just want to go!
Ireland, Wales, Japan, China and Egypt, and even more. I do not know what else would be on it.
David Fultner says
I would like to take a month long tour to Europe for my bucket list.
David Fultner says
I would like to go on a helicopter ride.
Libby says
A few items on my bucket list:
Ride in a hot air balloon; dance in The Nutcracker with my daughter; get certified in yoga; participate in a flash mob; travel to Paris and Italy; swim with dolphins.
Doris H says
I would love to backpack across Europe.